Eve Online Will Not Beat Me: Into The Abyss

Hello space traveller.

I’ve been wanting to turn my attention to making some isk lately; eve is a funny game, unlike many other MMOs, you can’t just safely farm and expect to turn a profit, there’s no grinding up to max level, so you have to get really creative to try and advance, or atleast get to a position where you can be comfortable. There are a ton of ways to do this with people you fly with, but very few ways to reliably drum up some money alone.

I live in wormhole space, which is the best kind of place to unfasten yourself, get in a small gang when the pings go out and brawl some ships in relative safety; with a good chance of getting a fight and coming out on top – but when you’re in a small corp, you spend a lot of time scanning out the chain, waiting for prey or running sites. This does not make for a favourable isk/hr.

So I’ve been trying my hand at abyssal sites. I brought up a couple of videos and articles, bought myself a little RLML Caracal and ran a couple of T1 filaments; they are really fun and provide a welcome diversion from spinning ships.

Feeling content that I had learned the ropes, I decided that I was going to build a T2/3 filament Osprey fit…I spent about 125 million isk on this little shield-tanked beauty, then headed into a T2 abyssal site (just to be safe).

It exploded on the 3rd wave. Turns out three HAM launchers don’t do the job. But like everything in eve, I learned my lesson, so I hopped back on to do some more reading and came across this article by Ashy In Space:

How 2 Krab Part 4

One of the fits in there is for a HAM sacrilege, which Lane Davaham assures me is the best ship in the game, so that’s my next step; if all goes well, I’ll try streaming on KrabKast (https://www.twitch.tv/krabkast) – let me know if you’ve had success running T4 sites in cheaper fits, or if you have any tips for a noob abyssal runner!

Till next time,

Fly safe.

Boboko Busanagi [BNYSE]

Eve Online Will Not Beat Me: Action; Reaction; Farmhole

Hello space traveller,

I have been doing an awful lot recently. The world seems to have gone a little bit mad, so there has been ample time to play some space games and ample need to escape into experiences that make us feel good!

Eve has been doing that for me in spades and has taught me an awful lot about how the game needs to be played. One of my corpmates, Lane Davaham, said something to me that really stuck in my mind about playing Eve: “This game requires patience” – and that is so true. Eve is a game where you can spend a few days fighting fleet after fleet and feeling totally drained with all the content, but also a game where you need to spend weeks just letting the game tick away, training skills or waiting for a plan to come to fruition.

This lesson has been a really hard to take onboard, especially when I don’t have that much time to invest into the game. I resolved myself to stay casual since I’ve returned, but it’s difficult not to feel left out when your corp goes on weekend-long ops that you can’t take part in, but that’s the way it goes. I just have to be happy with being involved with the things I can take part in, and set up my Eve experience so I can get the most out of the time I am able to invest.

To that end, our little side-project is progressing decently; it’s a farmhole – which, in true Eve fashion, has been hit with problem after problem.

We asked around and ended up being able to form an agreement with the owner of an Astra in a wormhole that met our specifications, so we could stay there until we were up and running. The moment we moved in however, another corp, set up a Raitaru and have been reffing our structure ever since. They don’t seem to be very committed to the endeavour though, as we’ve beaten them back multiple times and they aren’t running a full-time eviction operation.

So for the time being, we’re looking for another farmhole while we wait to see if the situation changes in the meantime.

I am planning on starting a little podcast/stream when we do get the farmhole up and running, because I’m really curious to see if people want to listen to a bored Englishman/Frenchman/Serbian shit-talk for hours while Krabbing.

Stay tuned, there’s loads going on!

Boboko Busanagi – BNYSE

Eve Online After-Action Report: The Serpent And The Bird.

This story starts some days before the actual battle.

I am a hauler. I love taking my DST and flying out to Jita to buy a few things, maybe bring back some supplies to the hole and fit out a cheeky ship or two. I’m also easily distracted by fitting, and it tends to come back to bite me on the backside. So there I was; sitting in Jita, buying this and that, maybe refitting an experimental and ill-fated Drake Navy Issue for one-on-one PvP, when the call goes up on voice Comms: “There’s a Nightmare in this hole. Form up, we’re gonna kill it.”

You have not seen someone operate the controls of a corvette so quickly in your life. I was 12 jumps out from our wormhole and every second was torture as I hear all my corpmates X-ing up in fleet and undocking to lay their trap. I arrived one minute too late and shipped into my Prophecy just as they got the kill. One billion isk, not a bad night’s work for those involved. All I could do is say to myself that I would be there for the next one.

Well, the next one came…”There’s a Rattlesnake and a Tengu in this hole. Form up, we’re gonna kill ’em.”

And I was in Jita; in my DST, messing around with fits, 9 jumps out.

You have never seen someone operate the controls of a corvette so quickly in your life…and I got podded by a gate-camp just as I entered the system with the wormhole chain entrance. I was then politely informed that a shuttle would be far faster, which turned out to be true as I dodged the belligerents the second time round and made it into the chain with just enough time to re-ship into my trusty Prophecy and undock in an effort to meet the fleet, who were assembled a few holes over.

The fleet itself was formed organically from what we had at the time, as there were only a few people online when the call went out. More and more people dropped in as the pings were posted and finally we had enough warm bodies to project a tactically complete trap; we had Logi, interdiction, DPS and eyes ready.

The aim was to track the Rattlesnake and its accompanying escort Tengu (who were ostensibly ratting in a neighboring system), and launch an assault when they hit a site.

The problem came when we realised that they had no idea we were coming. Our eyes had lost them in a hole beyond and we didn’t want to spook them by risking having a ship on D-scan; so the fleet waited and mulled their options.

Then, cut to me: minutes late and charging through wormholes like a madman, I symbolically X-ed up in fleet and jumped through into the next system – only to be met with an astero sitting on the other side…which then proceeded to target me. I knew that if this little Astero wasn’t immediately warping out from my Prophecy, then its buddies were on the way, so I immediately started yelling at the fleet, which proceeded to turn ’round and get on grid as ships from New Jovian Exploration Department [NJED] arrived (completely unrelated to our quarry) and proceeded to burn away half my armour before our own percussive diplomacy landed and they bugged out in the face of our fairly sizeable presence.

Our logi patched up my armour and we were together at last, the problem now was that the fleet had left the hole and there were no eyes on the side that contained our prize. We arrived and sat, debating what we should do; whether we should send someone in or just wait. Eventually the decision was made to have our Sabre and Purifier (Flown by Captain Cornfed and Der Schattengeist respectively) jump through to bubble the other side…when a most uncanny thing took place.

Splash. Splash.

Two pulses of the wormhole, meaning that two ships had jumped through and were now sitting cloaked for a maximum of 60 seconds on our side of the hole. They had just cross-jumped our ships.

We all held our breath as we heard confirmation of the bubble going up, waiting for them to pop into our overlay and dumbfounded with disbelief at our luck; then, sure enough, the Rattlesnake and the Tengu decloaked as our interdictor jumped back and popped a second bubble, cutting off their escape on both sides.

Immediately we scrammed their engines, holding them im place while our weapons scoured the large ratting platform and held off the Tengu, which was doling out it’s own dose of hate.

After some time, it became obvious that we were going to bring down the Rattlesnake, so the Tengu chose to break off and jump back through the hole. We all set course to follow, with the spectacular sight of the Rattlesnake’s reactors purging plasma into surrounding space behind us, but we were slow to approach. Only one of us made it through in time: Astronomocat was flying an Astero and quickly jumped through, She burned fast and tackled the bird, holding it long enough for us to catch up, in doing so however, she had little chance of escape and the Astero exploded seconds before the fleet arrived.

After bursting through and scramming the Tengu for a second time, all our weapons trained now upon the formidable ship, but it was more slippery still and tried a last time to evade our grasp, jumping through the wormhole back to where the wreck of its friend now floated listlessly.

But its gambit was no good as one by one, we jumped again, spotting the craft making for the edge of the bubble. It was now only a matter of time as our warp scramblers took hold and the targeting locks snapped into place.

The rest of the story is numbers as our DPS eventually overcame the Tengu’s tank; a cheer went up as an explosion ripped across our screens. Our operation had prevailed, the adrenaline of the moment coursed and as the killmail came in, we only then realised the magnitude of what we had done.

As it turns out, the two ships were blinged quite substantially and after looting, we made off with a few hundred millions in modules.

I won’t be so blatant as to mention the value of the killmail, as doing so feels a little crass, but I will link it below. Definitely worth a look.

So concludes the story of The Serpent And The Bird; a most successful little op.


Eve Online Will Not Beat Me – Friends Are All You Need

eve online sacrelige spaceship around planet in hisec
Me being a Space Nerd in hisec

Hello space traveller. Me again.

I am the Ex-CEO of Eternal Cosmic Beard Corp, a fairly short lived wormhole corp who started strong and ended with a wimper…mainly because I backed out of the corp with no notice and left it to founder. The members who remained made the best of the situation, but eventually they went on to find homes elsewhere; in an active corp that could help them grow.

I stayed away from Eve for the best part of eight months while I sorted my life out, but I always did feel bad about how I dealt with my part in ECBC; and on reflection, I suppose part of the reason I stayed away for so long is because I felt like I couldn’t face my friends.

In the end, I was completely wrong and would urge people to learn from my mistake.

This is the story of my return:

The pandemic had struck and I found my thoughts turned inwards, to a group of friends I had left behind some months ago. I spent a few days on various projects, but finally I decided to log in to Discord and try to make amends.

I was fairly overwhelmed by the support and understanding I received from the people I had turned my back on, so much so that I felt almost worse; like I had wasted precious time and missed out on treasured experiences because of a flaw within me.

So I had reached out and was incredibly lucky that these amazing people (Lane Davaham and JC Decaux) just let me pick up where I left off.

So I logged in, upgraded to Omega and put in to apply for their new corp (Be Nice inc. [BNYSE]), as a member, with no illusions of grandeur.

Frankly it has been a treat. They are incredibly welcoming to all and have a commitment to letting people choose what they want to do, while providing amazing content in the form of PvP whenever they can get their guns trained on it. I now have the ability to step back and learn, which is what I really need. It is amazing that I have learned more about Eve Online in the last week than I ever did in the months running ECBC, because I can opt in to whatever I like without any pressure and just be there, among like-minded space nerds.

So I have been trying to train into the right ships for wormhole space PvP (Sacrelige best ship), which the corp specialises in, and learning the mechanics of the game in a really meaningful way. Eve is a game that you have to both spend time on your own, figuring out, but you also have to lean on people and their experience and finally, you have to be prepared to undock and lose a lot of isk to learn those hard lessons.

In the end, Eve is a game that brings together a beautifully complex gaming experience and the ability for people to get together and make a tangible difference within their own sphere of influence. It is the only game that has real stakes, adrenaline, beauty and kinship baked into it.

So in short, dear reader, what I have taken from this experience is to trust in the people who trust in you, and to not run from your problems when things get tough. The people who you spend time with care about you and you owe them the truth and your respect. I will do my best not to run foul of these things again, all the while taking part in an experience that is unlike any other.

Oh, and one final oath: Eve Online will not beat me. That will always be true.

Fly safe, because I might be on grid in my buffer-tank Stratios.

For posterity: below is the link to the last article I published on CreatorConsortium under the same heading.

Modelling Monday – Kustom Battlewagons

Hello dear reader!

Today I’m going to show you the Kustom Battlewagons I made about a year ago. Before I talk about them, let me show you a picture of the Games Workshop stock Battlewagon from their website:

This is a very cool model with a lot of customisation options. I originally got my Ork army as a model-swap; I used to have a sizeable Tau army, but I’m very into kitbashing and Tau didn’t have anywhere near as much scope for it as Orks do. Okay, let’s see my babies.

There they are. I spent an awful long time altering them to fit the look and feel of what I wanted from my Orky Tanks. You might notice that I removed all the wheels from them; I am not a big fan of half-track looking vehicles, I wanted only tracks, so I actually moved the tracks from the back half of the wagons to the middle of each, giving them a bit more of a squat look, which I really like.

I used plasticard to build up the hull and back cabins of the wagons so i could fit all the sponsons and turrets onto them, that big kannon/killkannon turret on the back is totally scratch-built from plasticard too. I had a great time figuring out and building these guys.

Above is a better picture which really shows mst of the modifications I made to them. Each have four big shootas on sponsons designed to look like thw hole wagon is bristling with firepower. The lower wagon has a casemated Kannon too. All the big shootas are removable for ease of storage and customisation.

A later addition was the built up areas around the front of the wagons. When I took off the wheels and moved the tracks, the fronts looked a little skinny, so I decided to go ahead and bolt on a load of scrap bitz to give them that classing big-jaw look of the stock wagon.

These two are a joy to field and I whole-heartedly encourage anyone o get creative (and destructive) with their kitbashes, it really is a satisfying experience.

Until next week! Happy gaming.

The Ups And Downs Of A Creative Life

Hello dear reader,

it has been a week of strange motivations. I took a few days off work to recharge and spend some amazing time with my lady Emma, I spent that time playing games and doing absolutely nothing productive at all, even though, in the back of my mind I intended to and secretly wish I had.

I go through long periods of wanting to be better and I tell myself that I got to work, that I need time to myself, that I love playing games; repeating all those things that you tell yourself when you’re putting things off, without even intending to or understanding the reasons why you’re putting them off in the first place.

Deep down I think I know and the feeling scares me a little bit. Deep down there is a little creeping fear that everything I’m doing and all the time I’m spending will never come to anything, that all the effort will be wasted, nobody will ever get to see my writings or the products of my work.

I hate that feeling, so I think I distract myself by making the conscious decision to not try, or to make excuses why I couldn’t try in that moment, then I feel the existential guilt that only a creative can feel when another day has ticked by without actually having made any strides towards the endeavours that make you love being creative in the first place.

How do I navigate around this strange catch-22 that I have pretty much always found myself in? Do I just let the feeling take me and do whatever the hell I want, even if it will take ten years to finish a project? Or do I push myself to finish something and then try my best to get it out there?

The trouble is I don’t know…and I feel like I don’t have the time, knowledge or motivation to get involved in a creative community that might allow me to get my work out there.

How do you know where to best put your time to get your work done, get it out into the world and to keep yourself sane?

I think I’ll be asking that question forever, but maybe one day I’ll find an answer. The important point is that I’m not going to stop. I can’t stop, and if you’re ever tempted to stop, know that in all your unsure and nervous attitude about whether your work is worthy, well it always will be, we need new ideas; all of them.

Keep going, and I will too.

Topic Tuesday: Failure and Mistakes

Failure, mistakes, trial and error. All ways of expressing the same thing, opportunities to learn, but heard to understand them as such in the moment.
I’m a planner, I love to plan, to come up with game plans and schedules. But rarely, RARELY, do we implement them for very long. There’s pleasure and accomplishment in the making of lists, in figuring out a good looking schedule but following comes with little of the same rewards. Once one thing slips, the whole plan feels useless.
We came up with the plan for getting content on to the site, for getting me to learn and to climb out of a lull but as I tried to research I realised that it wasn’t going to work. My brain just doesn’t take in information, reading and comprehension are just beyond me at this point. I wanted to prepare myself for writing, I wanted to have a good foundation but right now I just need to write, I need to get stories out of me and to get the words down. A good editor can help me with the things I don’t understand. So Topic Tuesdays are going to be a little different and more relaxed than I envisioned, but hopefully more fun to both write and read.
I focus on the thing that I’m not doing right now, example, I’m writing this and thinking about cross stitch. Another, last night I was desperate to design more cross stitch but all I could think about was my fantasy world. Another, I wanted to do exercise this morning so I focused on thinking about climbing a mountain, while John looked it up and I sat on the couch not doing anything. Urg!
Each cycle that I go through, each time I fail, I’m learning, and that’s what I’m choosing to focus on. Each time I get a little closer to who I want to be.
I have the time. Many people would kill for the time and the space that I have and I’m pissing it away worrying and stopping myself, but no more! (Well probably still some bumps in the road but I’m gonna try!!)
If you’ve failed, try again, change what doesn’t work and keep trying. Failure isn’t the end, it isn’t, it’s just the beginning!

Modelling Monday – Ork Warboss Kitbash!

For the longest time, I have been using a Big Mek in my ork army for the principal HQ; it fit with my lore – my army being a collection of scrap-obsessed Deathskullz – but I have been struggling with him on the table. To me, a Big Mek In Mega Armour with a Kustom Force Field is quite points inefficient compared to your bog-standard Warboss. So, I set about making one!

I started with a Flash Git base:

Added a Dreadnought Close Combat weapon:

and viola!

Da Boss is born. I did also add the DeathSkull Bosspole and a Kustom Shoota converted from a DeathWatch Shotgun. I’m very happy with the result; he was a quick build but looks the part!

Until next time good reader, I have big things on the horizon!

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